Die Poesie des Augenblicks

28 28

The simple honesty and experience

There sat the man, in actual flesh, whom I had heard of so many thousands of times since that day.

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Thirty Years Before

So many thousands of times

What a fascination there is

For reasons which will presently appear

Unconsciousness of the Deep

The simple honesty that expressed itself all over him;

There sat the man, in actual flesh, whom I had heard of so many thousands of times since that day, thirty years before, when his name shot suddenly to the zenith from a Crimean battlefield, to remain forever celebrated. It was food and drink to me to look, and look, and look at that demigod; scanning, searching, noting: the quietness, the reserve, the noble gravity of his countenance

This verdict was a great surprise to me. He is just as good and sweet and lovable


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Good and sweet and lovable and unpretending